My name is Agnese, i was born in Italy and i'm a PROUD ITALIAN FOOD BLOGGER. Check out my traditional Italian recipes on my blog! Enjoy Italy!

Italian noodles with walnuts and parmesan cream

Italian noodles with walnuts and parmesan cream

First very simple dish to prepare and for which you will only need half an hour of time. I recommend you enjoy this pasta dish with a good wine, dry and harmonious, which retains a slight bitter note that fit well with the walnuts.


320 grams of noodles Italian
1/4 of cream
50 grams of butter
50 grams of grated Parmesan cheese
50 grams of walnuts
1 clove of garlic
pepper q.b.
salt q.b.


Finely chop the walnuts after they get rid of the skins (you can find on the market ready for use).
Melt the butter in a pan, add the walnuts and cook for a few minutes; then add the minced garlic, Parmesan, a sprinkling of freshly ground pepper and a pinch of salt.
Bring the mixture to the right consistency and slowly add the cream; Meanwhile, cook the noodles in a pot with salted water, drain and dress with the sauce.

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