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Torta al Testo : Umbrian Recipe

Torta ( Cake ) al Testo : Umbrian Recipe 

Torta al Testo : Umbrian Recipe 

Ingredients ( 2 cakes )

500 g of white flour
2 whole eggs
50 grams of grated Parmesan cheese
25 grams of grated pecorino cheese
30 cc of milk
20 grams of extra virgin olive oil
1 packet of instant yeast
Water q.b.
1 Umbrian text


Put the flour on a work surface and form a central cavity in which to add the eggs and cheese. Combine oil , milk and yeast dissolved in a little ' warm milk .
Mix thoroughly and with the help of ' warm water mix well until dough is soft and smooth.
Divide the dough into two parts and lay them out on a work surface , forming two round pizzas about 1 cm high . At the same time heat the text on gas, sprinkling it with flour ( flour is colored when the text is ready for cooking ) .
Put the cake on the text , pierce with a fork and lower the heat below the text. The cake is cooked when it is leavened and well colored .

It can accompany meats and meat with gravy.

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