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Sweet Struffoli Napoletani : Original Recipe from Naples

At par with the puff and the famous pastiera and their fame has spread goodness of some 'throughout central and southern Italy. They are located in Campania, Abruzzo and even in Palermo, where they cook with some small but substantial variation. Tradition has it that struffoli be prepared during the holiday season. For those who still had never heard of struffoli, suffice to say that they are small balls of sweet dough, fried and then dipped in honey and decorated with colored sprinkles and candied fruit

Ingredients :

600 gr. flour 00
| 4 eggs
  | 1 egg yolk
  | 40 gr. sugar
  | 80 gr. butter
| 4 tablespoon limoncello or rum
  | Lemon zest
  | 1 pinch salt
| Peanut oil for frying
  | 400 gr. honey
  | Colored sprinkles
  | 100 gr. candied orange
| 100 gr. candied citron
  | 100 gr. candied pumpkin

Preparation :

Place the flour on the work surface and fold in the eggs , butter , sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon, the lemon and a pinch of salt . Once the dough is firm and smooth , form a ball and leave to rest for half an hour .
Then knead again briefly. Cut a lot of balls and formed with these small rods thick finger. Cut tocchettini and place on a sheet without overlapping .
Fry in hot oil a little at a time . Take them out when they are puffed and golden , but not too colorful . Place them on paper towels to remove excess oil .
Melt the honey in a large saucepan in a bain marie . Turn off the heat and add the stuffoli , stirring until they are thoroughly soaked in honey. Pour into the pan half the candied fruit and sweets stirring again .
Take a serving platter and arrange the struffoli trying to form a mound , or place them into a ring . In this case , to obtain the central hole can use a glass jar . Place it in the center of the dish and place struffoli around. Remove the pot only when the honey is solidified .
Decorate struffoli with the rest of sprinkles and candied fruit.

Often struffoli are prepared without the addition of candied fruit, especially outside of Campania will be equally good, although the candied fruit is an inevitable ingredient in the Christmas cakes! In the recipe of the struffolis are placed candied citron and orange, but the important part is the candied pumpkin: the famous "cucuzzata" which is only found in Naples. If you succeed in getting it, your struffoli completi.Se will really want to get the most struffoli swollen, you can add to the mix a pinch of baking soda or ammonia cake, taking care, however, to let the dough rest for at least two hours .

Visit Agnese Santarosa Brown's profile on Pinterest.

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