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4 Cheese Pizza recipe : Pizza ai 4 formaggi

Here is a delicious and tasty variation of the classic Neapolitan dish: pizza with 4 cheeses

The 4 cheese pizza is destined for cheese lovers , in fact, is so called precisely because they are used as condiments 4 main different types of cheeses whose doses may vary depending on personal tastes .

Four cheese pizza ingredients :

- Salt , 1 teaspoon ;
- 500 g of flour type 00 ;
- 1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast liquid or 1 cube ;
- 250 ml of warm water ;
- Extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon ;
- 80 g Emmental cheese ;
- 80 g of melted cheese ;
- 80 g of gorgonzola cheese ;
- 80 g of provolone cheese ;
* Variants are often used to also use tomato or other types of cheeses such as Parmesan cheese . The doses of the cheeses are approximate. You can use the amount you prefer.

Four cheese pizza preparation :

Prepare the pizza dough with four cheeses , according to the basic recipe for the dough which is common to all the pizzas . Slice the end of the four cheeses , brush the pizza dough with a drizzle of olive oil extra vergino . The cheeses cut should be placed evenly on the disk of the pizza, so as to create 4 sections with 4 different types of cheese .

Four cheese pizza cooking :
Bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes at 250 ° C

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