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Pizza diavola Italian recipe

Italian Diavola Pizza Recipe

• Tomato sauce
• ½ cup grated mozzarella
• 25 g grated cheese (grana or parmigiano)
• 100-150 g hot salami, ventricina or soppressata calabrese, sliced
• 2 tsps extra virgin olive oil.

How to do :
Set oven to 475 °C. Once dough* is ready, divide into four pieces. Using the palms of your hands, begin stretching each piece separately into round pizzas, about 12 inches in diameter, on a hard surface sprinkled with flour.
The pizza should be as thin as possible with a bit more dough all around to shape the crust. If the dough gets too sticky, sprinkle with a bit more flour. Gently brush dough with olive oil and start layering ingredients. It is always preferable to blend the tomato sauce* so it will spread more easily and evenly on your pizza.
Once you have topped the pizza, slide the pizza stone (or a baking tray with aluminum foil) on the upper third rack of your oven and bake for about 10 minutes. Once the pizza is cooked, gently brush the crust with olive oil and broil on high heat for two minutes or until crust is golden. Carefully monitor oven to prevent crust from burning. Rotate the stone to broil your pizza evenly.

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